Trademark Usage and Guidelines
Effective Date: 1 June 2023
- Locanis trademark guidelines
You must carefully consider Locanis trademark usage guidelines when mentioning Locanis offerings in your materials or in connection with your products or product names. It would help if you always made an unambiguous distinction between your own solutions, products, and/or services and the Locanis offerings mentioned. Locanis accepts no responsibility for any violation of legal regulations regarding competition or trademarks by partners. In addition to these guidelines, country-specific regulations may apply.
Proper use of trademarks. Customers worldwide recognize and select Locanis based on the company’s trademarks, which signify high-quality products and related services. Without these trademarks, consumers would not be able to distinguish Locanis offerings from those of other companies, nor could they immediately recognize the professional quality of offerings that Locanis trademarks represent. Therefore, it is vital to protect the trademarks of Locanis and our affiliate companies by following these usage guidelines. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination thereof that identifies unique ownership. Unregistered or pending trademarks bear the ™ mark. Registered trademarks carry the ® mark. For an updated list of Locanis trademarks, both registered and pending, please send a request to In addition, in any material that mentions any Locanis trademark, you must include the correct attribution statement: “<LOCANIS TRADEMARKS> is/are the trademark(s) or registered trademark(s) of Locanis or its affiliates.”
In your attribution statement, replace the placeholder phrase <LOCANIS TRADEMARKS> with the names of the Locanis trademarks mentioned in your material. Place the statement either on the copyright page (which may be the case in a brochure) or at the end of a material if it has no copyright page.
- Third-party trademark usage
Locanis partners and other third parties can mention the names of Locanis offerings when describing their compatibility with their own programs or applications. But they cannot include the name “Locanis,” a logo of Locanis, a trademark of Locanis, the name of a Locanis offering or similar variations into their own names. When referring to product compatibility, the partner must distinguish the difference between their products or services and those of Locanis. The name of their offering and the name of the Locanis offering must be clearly distinguishable from one another either visually (font size, color, type, or weight) or in wording. This can be done in various ways in running text, headlines, signs, or other materials. In addition, the partner company name should be mentioned in connection with the product name when possible. In-text sentences, you may use phrases such as the following to refer to your offering’s compatibility with Locanis software; a) “for use with…”; b) “designed for use with…”; c) “runs on…”; d) “compatible with…”.
It is vital to avoid making your product name appear to include a Locanis trademark or a Locanis offering name when the reference is in a title or headline, trade show signage, product packaging, CD label, or any other material.
Within headlines, signage, and other materials, you may use phrases such as the following to refer to your offering’s compatibility with Locanis software; a) “for…”; b) “for use with…”; c) “designed for use with…”; d) “runs on…”; e) “compatible with…”.
Consider the following questions to determine if a particular product or service name, compatibility reference, marketing communication, or packaging may pose a problem to Locanis and its trademarks; a) does your product or service name include a Locanis trademark or a Locanis offering name or similar variations of these?; b) do you use a Locanis trademark or a Locanis offering name in a way that gives the impression that the Locanis trademark or Locanis offering name is part of your product or service name?; c) do you use the term “for Locanis” to refer product compatibility?; d) does your offering name, or the usage in question, lead anyone to believe your offering is developed, endorsed, or authorized by Locanis?; e) does your communication material show any logos of Locanis (or variations of them) other than permitted Locanis partner logo.
If the answer to these questions is “Yes,” you should change your product or service name, compatibility reference, marketing communication, or packaging to reflect proper usage.
Using the phrase “empowered by”. Only use “empowered by” in the “empowered by Locanis” context. Do not use “empowered by” to describe compatibility with other Locanis offerings.
- Trademark notices and copyright
© 2023 Locanis or a Locanis affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of Locanis or a Locanis affiliate company.
Locanis and other Locanis products and services mentioned herein and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Locanis or a Locanis affiliate company.